Terms of service

Weather / safety requirement(s): most days of the year provide suitable conditions for our walking tours. However occasionally weather or climate conditions may create risks to people’s health and safety. For example, Daylesford is a designated high risk town for bush fire. We therefore reserve the right to reschedule, modify or cancel your scheduled walks should the need arise. In these circumstances a full refund would be provided for any cancelled walks. We will always endeavour to inform you of any changes as soon as possible.

Access: this tour includes limited access for people with special needs as there are some stairs and some narrow inclined pathways on our walk. Please ask us in advance if you have any questions regarding access and we will always endeavour to accommodate your needs.

What to bring and wear: good walking shoes and comfortable clothing suitable for the season, hat, sunscreen, umbrella (in winter bring warm comfortable clothing – hat and scarf is recommended)

Payment terms and conditions: 100% payment required on booking

100% refund with no less than 72 hours notice

50% refund with no great than 72 hours notice & with no less than 48 hours notice

25% refund with no great than 48 hours notice and with no less than 24 hours notice

Cancellations less than 24 hours from scheduled commencement time will receive zero refund (we will waiver this in extreme circumstances beyond the control of clients)